Thursday, July 17, 2014

candy crush saga

at the risk of offending yet another person, i write this post...
i have had some facebook friends write comments on my timeline abt the annoying alerts that they receive due to my candy crush playing. to them, i direct my comments.

i wouldn't say that i'm addicted to candy crush, as it is one of only a few things that i can stop mid-game and change what i'm doing. part of the reason i enjoy playing it.... try doing that w/your scriptures! i can't focus or re-focus quick enough to make sense. ...but i work hard. i do yardwork, gardening, cooking, baking, reading w/the kids, exercising w/the kids, biking, missionary work, visiting teaching, laundry and the list goes on and on. i take kids to the counselor, dentist, doctor. i tutor for the MTC and for the learning-behind kids at school. i help w/the bookmobile. OFTEN at one of these 'away' activities, i have what i like to call "downtime". this is when i'm waiting on kids/appts/phone calls, etc. it's a minute here or 5 minutes there. sometimes i'm stuck at the dentist/dr/counselor office for over an hour. but it's unplanned time. i usually start by trying to read my scriptures, or memorize the family proclamation. but it's usually interrupted w/phone calls or conversation in the room. so i put it away and take out "candy crush". :) why?? it's mindless drivel that i can do w/interruptions. it doesn't take more than a couple of brain cells, but it keeps me from falling asleep on the job.

i don't often send requests to friends, but i have seen that it asks for lives to be sent to friends when i log on. i usually acquiesce, as i know what a "treasure" it is when friends send them to me.   apparently this is where people get annoyed. ?? or maybe my requests...though i usually select those i know are playing.

that's the background. my confusion, and question lies here....

i have a cell phone. i have a laptop. and i have a kindle. my cell phone beeps often. when i log onto my fb on laptop, it often  has 30 or more "notifications". i scroll through for any links to conversations i've had, or something that draws my attention. but often they are simply invites and/or requests for castlemania or slotmania or a number of other manias... i simply ignore. when my phone beeps, i know the difference between a phone call, text or facebook msg. all 3 of which might need my immediate attention. i also know the sound of a notification. that is something i choose to ignore. i dont' feel the need to respond to every sound my phone makes, as it is not controlling my life.  so my question is this:  why do you??

please, please, PLEASE understand this...i love you. all of my friends on facebook were added only after considering thoughtfully each person. there's not a friend that i'd want to lose. certainly not over a facebook (or any other media) game. i'm not tech savvy. i don't even know what a hashtag is used for, nor do i own a twitter or other account. i'm facebook loyal. :)  but if my distraction is driving you nuts, feel free to unfriend me. sure i might have my feelings a little hurt, but i've recovered from a lot worse. :) however, when my kids complain bcs "he's looking at me" or "he's sitting too close", i tell them what i try to do myself when someone's chewing w/their mouth open, or farting nearby...IGNORE it. that's the peacemaker approach.

my humblest apologies to anyone i've offended. if you know me at all, you know that i have shed many, MANY tears over unintended offenses i've made w/my big mouth. i NEVER want to hurt another soul. not even for revenge. it's just not my nature. so please, if i've offended you, forgive me. i'm only writing to understand....